George Sampson & Mega Brands’ Launch Battle Strikers

Battle Strikers toys by Mega Brands launches with the help of George Sampson

The teenager, who just won Britain’s Got Talent before making the launch announcement is pretty hot and it has got people wondering what these Battle Striker toys are all about.

George turned up to the 2009 New York Toy Fair and spent time at the Mega Brands booth to show the world what the Battle Strikers Game was all about. 

The Toy Fair in New York is incredibly popular and provides people who are interested in getting into the toy business with an excellent opportunity. 

A total of approximately 30,000 people attend this event from all over the world. They’re professionals who are looking to network with thousands of exhibitors that are also present. 

Being able to have this platform, along with George Sampson, allows Mega Brands to put on a great display of their new product.

About Batter Striker Toys

So, how do these Battle Striker sets work?

Well, they’re available in a few different kinds of sets and make for a great gift idea for kids. These  sets include Tournament, Starter Pack, Arena and Reload sets. 

Essentially, this game puts a fresh twist on spinning top toys by implementing them with a turbo charged feature. 

You’re able to use the motorized control stick to launch your spinner into action with lots of power. The aim of the game is to face off against different people to launch your spinners against each other. 

Whoever manages to knock the other person’s spinner down is the winner of the game. The toys are great for enabling kids to play with them wherever they are. 

Having someone like George Sampson introduce these toys to the world will give them a huge boost in popularity. 

This is especially since he was showing everyone how to use the toys. He even threw in some of his own spinning methods and tricks that he had developed on his own. That’s when it became clear to people that George had really been trying these toys out personally. Some kids who were at the event got the chance to use the Battle Striker sets and play with George. 

Mega Brands was very pleased with how successful the launch was. They also paid a special thanks to George Sampson for getting on board and supporting them. 

If you were looking for more unique spinner toys that have a modern edge to them, the Battle Striker sets could be worth considering. There are a range of sets available that are a ton of fun for kids to play with in groups for hours. 

Spinner toys have been around for 50+ years, so these sets were a breath of fresh air for toy enthusiasts.

Many toy lovers are overjoyed to find a set that managed to keep the fundamentals of spinner while injecting it with new life to make it more exciting for the newer generation of children. 

About Pigtail Pals

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Pigtail Pals is a toy review site that makes the gift buying process easier for moms, dads, grandparents, friends and other family members. We simplify the process and save you time. Pigtail Pals is a one stop shop for your gift idea needs for children of all ages.

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About the New York Toy Fair

Toy Fair is THE can’t miss event for tapping into the $28B U.S. domestic toy market. We welcome play professionals from all around the world.

Toy Fair welcomes an estimated 30,000 global play professionals. There are buyers from up to 100 countries connecting with 1,000+ exhibitors.

CREDENTIALED, global press converge on Toy Fair to report on the hottest trends, newest products, and health of the industry. The Toy Association is committed to providing a positive experience for press covering the show.

RC2 signs Chuggington deal

The firm has signed a multi-year master toy licensing rights deal for Chuggington, the new character-based children’s television program created and developed by Ludorum plc.

Chuggington is incredibly popular among children and first debuted in the UK on the BBC2’s Cbeebies children’s channel in the autumn of 2008 and will now be seen daily on the main Cbeebies’ afternoon preschool block from this week.

While expanding broadcast in the UK, Chuggington is also scheduled to air in 100 additional international TV markets in 2009.

The RC2 subsidiary has contributed 50% of Chuggington’s development costs and holds 50% of Chuggington’s intellectual property rights.

RC2 Learning Curve brand plans to debut its exclusive international Chuggington toy line in 2010.

“Television ratings and focus groups have already shown that Chuggington resonates with and delights young children and their mothers,” said Peter Henseler, President of RC2 Corporation.

“We are developing innovative play and learning products that tap into the multi-faceted aspects of this brand. Being an early and key partner with this international property positions us to be a contributing force in Chuggington’s exploding worldwide popularity.”

Hamleys Dubai Opens Today

Retailer continues opening schedule today, unveiling its 32,000 square foot concept store in the Dubai Mall.

Brought to Dubai by Retail Arabia, which holds the exclusive franchise for Hamleys in the region, the store is located on the second floor of the mall.

Visitors enter into a mini replica of London’s Regent Street, complete with performers. Inside the shop is a decked out car-racing dome; a camel caravan; a Ferrari bike racing track; a gaming area and life sized doll’s houses.

Retail Arabia MD and CEO Nabil Daud, said:

“Everyone loves Hamleys; it’s the toy store kids dream about. Children come to the store and are able to play with those toys they’ve always wanted. To be responsible for bringing that dream to the Middle East is an honor for us at Retail Arabia. We have spent months preparing for this special day, getting ready to bring the Hamleys spirit to the children of Dubai.”

In celebration of today’s opening, the first 100 customers will receive a special goodie bag and the store will organize daily magic shows, face painting, balloons and cool toy demonstrations.

More than 600 new retail outlets will be open for trade at the Mall from 2pm today, many of which will be making their Middle East debut. Among the new retailers to the region are American high-end department store Bloomingdale’s, and supermarket chain Waitrose.

The mall’s general manager, Yousif Al Ali, said he expected about 30 million visitors in the centre’s first year of operation.

Today’s launch is part of a wider opening schedule, which last month saw the first stand-along store outside Regent Street in Dundrum Town Centre, Dublin (pictured). The Irish Hamleys occupies 37,000 sq ft over three floors in the centre’s Pembroke Avenue area.

Paul Currie, Hamleys trading director, said: “We are extremely excited to be coming to Dundrum Town Centre, a premium location for fabulous shopping and days out. A considerable portion of our overseas customers are Irish and we are looking forward to growing this customer base.”

Corgi sells Cards Inc unit

Esdevium has acquired the trading card business of Cards Inc from Corgi.

The deal will see the transfer of the Cards Inc brand name and its trading card game, sticker, and collectable trading card-based business to Esdevium.

Meanwhile, the remainder of the Cards Inc business will continue its distribution of pop culture collectibles under the name of Popco Distribution.

The Cards Inc. and Esdevium teams are currently working together to ensure a smooth transfer of the Cards Inc. accounts.

During the transition period, which is anticipated to last through to the end of April 2008, former Cards Inc. accounts will be able to place orders with either Esdevium or Popco Distribution, with Esdevium fulfilling the orders on all trading card and trading card game products.

“Over the years Cards Inc. has done a terrific job developing the trading card sector, especially with accounts like Toys R Us,” said Daniel Steel, Managing Director at Esdevium Games.


“We are thrilled to be taking on that legacy, and believe we can provide all the benefits and advantages enjoyed by Cards Inc. accounts, and more.”

“Esdevium is renowned for our service and our range,” added Steve Buckmaster, Director of Sales at Esdevium Games. “We’re committed to ensuring Cards Inc. accounts find the transition seamless and are pleased with their experience with Esdevium. With our usual prompt service, expert staff, competitive pricing, and unmatched range of products—including many lines that can extend the sales revenues of the trading card and collectibles brands these accounts are already carrying—we can work with these retailers to grow their business in trading cards or any category of games.”