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Corgi sells Cards Inc unit

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Esdevium has acquired the trading card business of Cards Inc from Corgi.

The deal will see the transfer of the Cards Inc brand name and its trading card game, sticker, and collectable trading card-based business to Esdevium.

Meanwhile, the remainder of the Cards Inc business will continue its distribution of pop culture collectibles under the name of Popco Distribution.

The Cards Inc. and Esdevium teams are currently working together to ensure a smooth transfer of the Cards Inc. accounts.

During the transition period, which is anticipated to last through to the end of April 2008, former Cards Inc. accounts will be able to place orders with either Esdevium or Popco Distribution, with Esdevium fulfilling the orders on all trading card and trading card game products.

“Over the years Cards Inc. has done a terrific job developing the trading card sector, especially with accounts like Toys R Us,” said Daniel Steel, Managing Director at Esdevium Games.


“We are thrilled to be taking on that legacy, and believe we can provide all the benefits and advantages enjoyed by Cards Inc. accounts, and more.”

“Esdevium is renowned for our service and our range,” added Steve Buckmaster, Director of Sales at Esdevium Games. “We’re committed to ensuring Cards Inc. accounts find the transition seamless and are pleased with their experience with Esdevium. With our usual prompt service, expert staff, competitive pricing, and unmatched range of products—including many lines that can extend the sales revenues of the trading card and collectibles brands these accounts are already carrying—we can work with these retailers to grow their business in trading cards or any category of games.”

About Jesse

Jesse has over a decade of experience reviewing products and toys in particular. Growing up in a large family with many little cousins and nephews he has a keen eye for picking out great gifts for kids. Over the years Jesse has developed an understanding of exactly what consumers want to see in a review in order to help them in their buying decisions. Sheryl and Jesse have worked together to craft the toy and gift guides here on Pigtail Pals! Jesse also spent several years as a full-time personal care assistant employed at "The Dream Works" working with Autistic adults including his older brother.
