Battle Strikers toys by Mega Brands launches with the help of George Sampson.
The teenager, who just won Britain’s Got Talent before making the launch announcement is pretty hot and it has got people wondering what these Battle Striker toys are all about.
George turned up to the 2009 New York Toy Fair and spent time at the Mega Brands booth to show the world what the Battle Strikers Game was all about.
The Toy Fair in New York is incredibly popular and provides people who are interested in getting into the toy business with an excellent opportunity.
A total of approximately 30,000 people attend this event from all over the world. They’re professionals who are looking to network with thousands of exhibitors that are also present.
Being able to have this platform, along with George Sampson, allows Mega Brands to put on a great display of their new product.
About Batter Striker Toys
So, how do these Battle Striker sets work?
Well, they’re available in a few different kinds of sets and make for a great gift idea for kids. These sets include Tournament, Starter Pack, Arena and Reload sets.
Essentially, this game puts a fresh twist on spinning top toys by implementing them with a turbo charged feature.
You’re able to use the motorized control stick to launch your spinner into action with lots of power. The aim of the game is to face off against different people to launch your spinners against each other.
Whoever manages to knock the other person’s spinner down is the winner of the game. The toys are great for enabling kids to play with them wherever they are.
Having someone like George Sampson introduce these toys to the world will give them a huge boost in popularity.
This is especially since he was showing everyone how to use the toys. He even threw in some of his own spinning methods and tricks that he had developed on his own. That’s when it became clear to people that George had really been trying these toys out personally. Some kids who were at the event got the chance to use the Battle Striker sets and play with George.
Mega Brands was very pleased with how successful the launch was. They also paid a special thanks to George Sampson for getting on board and supporting them.
If you were looking for more unique spinner toys that have a modern edge to them, the Battle Striker sets could be worth considering. There are a range of sets available that are a ton of fun for kids to play with in groups for hours.
Spinner toys have been around for 50+ years, so these sets were a breath of fresh air for toy enthusiasts.
Many toy lovers are overjoyed to find a set that managed to keep the fundamentals of spinner while injecting it with new life to make it more exciting for the newer generation of children.
About Pigtail Pals

Pigtail Pals is a toy review site that makes the gift buying process easier for moms, dads, grandparents, friends and other family members. We simplify the process and save you time. Pigtail Pals is a one stop shop for your gift idea needs for children of all ages.
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About the New York Toy Fair
Toy Fair is THE can’t miss event for tapping into the $28B U.S. domestic toy market. We welcome play professionals from all around the world.
Toy Fair welcomes an estimated 30,000 global play professionals. There are buyers from up to 100 countries connecting with 1,000+ exhibitors.
CREDENTIALED, global press converge on Toy Fair to report on the hottest trends, newest products, and health of the industry. The Toy Association is committed to providing a positive experience for press covering the show.